> Not entirely correct. As QGIS works now, each new project
> starts in Lon/Lat WGS84. If I all my layers are in the same
> projected CRS I don't notice any problem *until* I want to
> measure something ;-(

True, your suggestion to add the possibility to set a default CRS for the map 
would be useful.
There will always be problems at some point if the layers / map CRS are not 
properly set. I just want to avoid more complications compared to the current 
situation if this is not the case ( because it happens so frequently in 
practice ). 


Am Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011, um 10.05:18 schrieb Micha Silver:
> On 11/01/2011 10:19, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> > Il giorno mar, 11/01/2011 alle 00.43 +0100, Martin Dobias ha scritto:
> >> Ideally if all the data from government is in the same CRS, no
> >> reprojecting will happen - because the project CRS will be the same as
> >> the CRS of individual layers (thus no warning would be issued).
> > 
> > The problem here is that many organization keep most of their data in
> > the same projection, but without a .prj file.
> > So if they work without reprojection, everything works smoothly, and
> > they do not see anything wrong with that.
> Not entirely correct. As QGIS works now, each new project
> starts in Lon/Lat WGS84. If I all my layers are in the same
> projected CRS I don't notice any problem *until* I want to
> measure something ;-(
> Regards,
> Micha
> > All the best.

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
Sourcepole -  Linux & Open Source Solutions
Churerstrasse 22, CH-8808 Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland
marco.hugentob...@sourcepole.ch http://www.sourcepole.ch
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