On 11/01/2011 11:31, Marco Hugentobler wrote:

Not entirely correct. As QGIS works now, each new project
starts in Lon/Lat WGS84. If I all my layers are in the same
projected CRS I don't notice any problem *until* I want to
measure something ;-(
True, your suggestion to add the possibility to set a default CRS for the map
would be useful.

There will always be problems at some point if the layers / map CRS are not
properly set. I just want to avoid more complications compared to the current
situation if this is not the case ( because it happens so frequently in
practice ).

The ArcMap method of setting the project CRS based on the first layer that the user loads might be best. It's a "dumbed-down" solution that assumes the user doesn't understand what he's doing, but it will nicely cover those cases where all the data is in only one CRS.


Am Dienstag, 11. Januar 2011, um 10.05:18 schrieb Micha Silver:
On 11/01/2011 10:19, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
Il giorno mar, 11/01/2011 alle 00.43 +0100, Martin Dobias ha scritto:
Ideally if all the data from government is in the same CRS, no
reprojecting will happen - because the project CRS will be the same as
the CRS of individual layers (thus no warning would be issued).
The problem here is that many organization keep most of their data in
the same projection, but without a .prj file.
So if they work without reprojection, everything works smoothly, and
they do not see anything wrong with that.
Not entirely correct. As QGIS works now, each new project
starts in Lon/Lat WGS84. If I all my layers are in the same
projected CRS I don't notice any problem *until* I want to
measure something ;-(


All the best.

Micha Silver
Arava Development Co.  +972-52-3665918

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