2011/10/6 Martin Dobias <wonder...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Alessandro
> 2011/10/6 Alessandro Pasotti <apaso...@gmail.com>:
>> To summarize, the web application tasks for Zuerich are:
>> * new plugin xml/yaml/xml/whatevertextbased config support (is this
>> still a valid idea?)
> Yes this is still valid - the idea is to move plugin's metadata to a
> text file that is easier to parse by a machine. In my opinion it
> should be the good old INI format which is well supported on both qt
> side (QSettings) and python side (ConfigParser).
>> * redmine integration (optional)
>> * git integration ? (is this feasible, interesting ? would be optional 
>> anyway)
> How should this look like? Wouldn't it be sufficient to prepare a
> short document "how to create project in redmine for your plugin" and
> auto-fill links to source repository and bug tracker on hub.qgis.org?

Hello Martin,

I do not know redmine internals, but if it has an webservice API we
could optionally create the project automatically.

We could also show in the web application appropriate links to the bug
tracker when the link exists.

Please have a look to the tickets in:

they are marked as bugs even if are feature requests-

>> * symbology repository
> Surely it would be nice to have. I just want to point out that until
> now nobody has come up with a set of requirements and appropriate
> design decisions etc.

I cannot be of any help here, if someone can write the specs, we can
work on that in Zuerich.

>> did I miss anything ?
> I would add one thing: API for uploading new versions of plugins.
> In my opinion one reason why many developers did not use the old
> plugin repository was that it was slightly inconvenient to upload new
> versions - visit the site, login, find the plugin (only 10 plugins per
> page), edit plugin details, find the zip file, upload. Having a simple
> API accepting POST requests (consisting of username, password, plugin
> name, changelog and zip file) would be very handy - that would allow a
> simple command line tool for deploying of plugins, completely
> automating the process of packaging and uploading.

With RPC4Django we can have a fully functional RPC webservice, when
the WS is in place, writing a python/php/bash-wget client would be
easy to do.

Can you please file a ticket for this API ?

Alessandro Pasotti
w3:   www.itopen.it
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