On 25/03/2013, at 19:52 , Agustin Lobo wrote:

> I strongly oppose eliminating the tools in fTools and gdaltools from
> the main menu.
> Your argument contemplates the picture from the point of view of the
> developer only.
> While having certain tools (i.e. R scripts, original sextante, OTB...)
> within the
> Sextante menu makes sense, from a user point of view basic tools such as those
> in Vector and Raster are much more intuitive and easy to use as they
> currently are in their
> respective tabs. I actually have always wondered why fTools were
> within Sextante also.
> From the user perspective the unnecessary redundancy is having them
> within Sextante.
> In short, I think that basic GIS functionality must be kept in the
> tabs of the main menu.


> Also, please note this question should be discussed in the users list also.


Hate to say it, but I'm with Augus on this one.

Particularly this is something that should be at least mentioned, preferably 
discussed in plain sight on the user list.

I would also add that since the other plugins are being encouraged to show up 
in appropriate menus (e.g. plugins that work on vectors in vector, plugins that 
work on database in database, etc.), it would be really unintuitive to me that 
fundamental vector *and* raster functions are in some menu called Sextante.

(I think a way around this, would be to have the menus provided by F-tools and 
GDALTools provided by Sextante and the menu items point to the right thing in 
Sextante - with of course a user useable interface. Not sure if that's viable. 
Agus, would that cover most of your comments too?)

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