On 12 August 2013 09:33, Paolo Cavallini <cavall...@faunalia.it> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Il 12/08/2013 10:10, Tim Sutton ha scritto:
> > Yes I should have asked this too - personally I prefer we do it in
> > a future version. Maybe its something we should keep for V3?
> IMHO renaming sextante after people got used to it will introduce more
> and more confusion. Better remove it now; deeper chamges in the UI can
> wait.
+1; And I think this philosophy should be carried over to the other plugins
mentioned in this discussion - that they should be renamed sooner rather
than later.
Everyone in this thread knows what all of these things do, but a regular
user isn't going to know what "GDAL" is, or "fTools" or "SEXTANTE". As an
example - just last week I was wondering where my spatial analysis
functions were that were in a tutorial I was following - turns out I'd
disabled the pointless-sounding-to-me "fTools" plugin and they were in
(I'm still quite new to QGIS, but have a technical GIS background - a
non-technical user would have struggled to resolve that).


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