
In the recent times it has happened to me a strange thing, and I do not know 
what is the source, it may be that you have already identified something.

When working with Postgis layers in QGIS, every time I "save" changes of an 
editing layer, I notice that the recording process is slower, until the moment 
when QGIS ends up freezing.

Another situation where QGIS freezes very often, is when creating new 
fields/columns in the attribute table of PostGIS layers. I add new fields, but 
when I try to save them, QGIS freezes and PostgreSQL keep the UPDATE process of 
the table as IDLE. In some cases, after stopping the process, I see that the 
changes were saved and applied to the table, but I have to kill QGIS because it 
is frozen.

This has happened to anyone? I really do not know if it is a QGIS problem, but 
the truth is that I do not remember this happening with QGIS 1.8, and now it 
happens to me very often.

PostGIS (2.0.1 / PostgreSQL 9.1.10) is in a remote Linux machine, but on the 
same network. QGIS is version 2.0.1 on a Windows 7 machine.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

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