Thanks for bringing this up Paolo!

Am 16.01.2014, 18:30 Uhr, schrieb Paolo Cavallini <>:
Let me explain what I mean:

* in vector, after Scale I have some empty space
* in raster all options are in collapsible submenus, whereas in vector one should press More options >> and it finds them on the side; I donot know which solution is better (I incline for the raster one, butI'm not a GUI expert), but I think they should be consistent

+1 There should definitely be consistency between the vector and raster "save as" dialogs. Imho, the raster solution where all options are aligned in one column is preferable. I also see quite a big empty area in the left column when I open the vector "save as" dialog. I can decrease the height of the dialog manually but it jumps back to the bigger size once I open "more options".

* CRS selector is different

In case of CRS selector, I think I prefer the raster solution. Here's why: 1. The raster solution has only one dropdown box where the vector solution needs a dropdown and a text box; 2. The vector solution is confusing because the CRS name in the (greyed out) text box is not updated when the user changes between layer, project, and selected CRS.

* I see no point in having an empty collapsible box (Datasource Options, Layer Options for Shapefiles)

+ 1 for no empty collapsible boxes.

* minor stuff could be made more consistent (e.g. Save as is over the box in vector,
and on the side in raster; Capitals should be only for the first word)

The raster dialog lacks the very useful "Add saved file to project" checkbox.

Another small thing: I don't know about your experience, but I would very much like to have the "Add saved file to project" checkbox ticked by default.

Best wishes,

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