Hi Alex,
hereafter my thoughts (not an official position, however).

Il 04/06/2014 08:31, Alexander Bruy ha scritto:

> Just to make things clear. Am I right that your -1 means that one can submit
> plugin with non-English UI and it will be approved? So if someone submitted
> plugin with, for example, Ukrainian UI it will be accepted and will be
> available even
> if author can not add English UI and nobody submitted English translation to 
> it?

IMO this would make sense in special cases, e.g. a plugin to connect
with local resources only is justified in having a non EN interface.
However, I regularly encourage plugin writers to provide a translation,
or at least to make it translatable, so it is easy for others to
contribute a translation.

> What about other stuff from instructions, what is compulsory and what is not? 
> At
> plugins.qgis.org we have this:
> "For a prompt approval, please check that your plugin:
>  * has no malicious code
>  * goes to the appropriate menu (Vector, Raster, Web, Database)
>  * has at least minimal documentation
>  * does not duplicate of existing functionalities or plugin, unless
> there is a good reason
>  * has a proper license
>  * does not contain architecture-dependant binaries
>  * supports English language
>  * provides a minimal data set for testing
>  * has (in the metadata) a link to the code repository and to a bug
> tracking system of
>    your choice (you can use github or other infrastructures, including
>    http://hub.qgis.org/projects";
> Maybe it is better to make compulsory items more visible and separate them 
> from
> non-compulsory.

We never agreed on a list of compulsory items. I personally check all
the above, ask the author in case something is missing or unclear, and
do not publish plugins without a bugtracker and a code repo, because I
think they are necessary to assure the quality and make contributions
easy; other reviewers however, can always do it.

All the best.
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html
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