On 06/04/2014 10:31 AM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
On 04-06-14 08:55, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
Just to make things clear. Am I right that your -1 means that one can submit
plugin with non-English UI and it will be approved? So if someone submitted
plugin with, for example, Ukrainian UI it will be accepted and will be
available even
if author can not add English UI and nobody submitted English translation to it?
IMO this would make sense in special cases, e.g. a plugin to connect
with local resources only is justified in having a non EN interface.
However, I regularly encourage plugin writers to provide a translation,
or at least to make it translatable, so it is easy for others to
contribute a translation.
I think we should not force people to do english (although I'm aware
that we do not have that much approvers for japanese, persian or korean
plugins :-( ). (The code and comments should be english though)

If plugins are not made in English, there is no possibility to translate them as it's agreed to happen from English. One idea could be some tag which marks that plugin has very local nature so it should not be translated ever.

I created a dutch UI plugin to make it easy for beginner QGIS users to
connect to some national OGC services. Personally I could make it
translatable (but I think not so much non dutch people will be
interested in this plugin), but I think for a beginning coder it would
make it harder to code it like that (though the plugin builders now
alread add it in their boilerplate code...).


Richard Duivenvoorde
ps: we have 'experimental' and 'normal' plugins now, could we maybe have
'experimental', 'normal' and 'first class' plugins? In which first class
plugins DO have translatable UI etc etc. And follow the guidelines very
strict. While the normal ones have some slack in that?
Personally I classify all those which cannot be translated to experimental/not for production. In this class goes easily also all those which don't have some kind of documentation.

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