I'm working on a QGIS plugin where I need to commit changes every time a
new feature is added in an SQLite database. I was using

layer.addFeature(feature, False) OR layer.addFeature(feature, True)

After about 10 to 15 features the system began to slow significantly with
periods of 100% CPU usage increasing until the system became unusable.

To assess if this was my code or something in QGIS 2.4 on Debian Wheezy, I
created a simple point shapefile and added points and saved each time (both
trying just saving and stopping editing and saving) and again at about 10
to 15 points the system failed.

My request is simple.
1. Can someone else confirm that this happens on other systems
2. If so, is there some way around this until this fixed?


Trevor Wiens
Apropos Information Systems
Calgary, Alberta
Ph. 403-973-5901
Fax 780-666-4580
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