
I tried various tools, e.g.

* SAGA reclassify
* GRASS r.mapcalc

Both work fine on smaller data sets, but fail on big data sets.

This is on Win7 64bit, with the OSGeo4W installer. I have 8gb RAM and 40GB disk free on C:, more free space on other disks where the data resides.

I am not totally sure if it is the Bigtiff issue or some other issue. It is just a guess that maybe I am hitting a limit with tiff. It is not fully transparent to me what Processing is doing in the background (what file formats with what options it creates).

It may also be an issue with SAGA or GRASS directly.

Thanks if you know anything,

Am 2014-11-18 21:15, schrieb Giovanni Manghi:

I am having a lot of troubles with large raster files and processing.

The intermediate results can go >4GB. Processing stops with not so
helpful error messages.

I wonder if processing is hitting the 4GB limit. Can I force processing to use the BIGTIFF option or a raster format that can handle >4GB files?

Hi Andreas, what tool specifically?


-- Giovanni --
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