2015-11-08 11:19 GMT+01:00 Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmaili...@duif.net>:

> On 08-11-15 05:58, Geo DrinX wrote:
> > I am absolutely countrary to diffuse any list of authors.
> > Certainly in Italy there are rules governing privacy:
> >
> > http://www.garanteprivacy.it/home_en
> >
> > we developers have not given any written agreement that allows anyone to
> > keep a list that concerns us.
> >
> > then you can consider this a warning email to NOT use my personal data
> > for any use.
> Geo DrinX,
> the whole purpose of this list is to be helpfull, Paolo writes: "I would
> be in favour of creating a readonly mailing list for plugin authors and
> maintainers, in order to contact them all easily when needed."
> We (the plugin admins) want to reach out to all plugins devs to give (in
> this case) instructions to migrate the plugins when we migrate to
> Python3. If you do NOT want to be reached in anyway by the psc or plugin
> admins, you should not give an email address when you uploaded the plugin.

> There is no place for anonymous plugins in our community repo.

In fact, I have an eMail, and I am reachable.

I am certainly available to correct the errors of my plugins and so on.

But in so there is no estimate the value of what I write to raise funds.
This is clear.

A presto


> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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