On 11/12/2015 04:48 PM, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 04:42:07PM +0100, Matthias Kuhn wrote:
>> Simple answer: don't use rendering tests and find other means to check
>> it ;-)
> How could I check that an arror is not flipped and does not move
> to the other side of the line ?
No idea, didn't check ;)
> To be honest, I like the idea of rendering tests. I know they are
> fragile in their current incarnation, but being a graphical
> application having tests actually check what the user would see
> is a good way to catch many issues.
They won't go away. And there are good reasons for them sometimes. They
just have been used as roundhousekick tests for everything in the past.
But if every developer shortly asks himself if
 * there is no other possibility to test a particular thing
 * tries to reduce the noise in the picture as much as possible
it's fine to have some of them.
>> If you still need, use the MultiRenderChecker, it is based on the
>> RenderChecker but adds more possibilities for anomalies. At least that's
>> the latest state of rendering tests I'm aware of...
> Ok, great. How about the distinction between these two files ?
>   * testqgsstylev2.cpp
>   * testqgssymbolv2.cpp
> Actually, the second one is _not_ in the 2.8 branch (which I'm
> targetting). Should it be back-ported ?
Backporting tests should always be fine. They don't break the
application but guarantee quality for subsequent point releases.


Matthias Kuhn
OPENGIS.ch - https://www.opengis.ch
Spatial • (Q)GIS • PostGIS • Open Source

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