Hi Raymond,

I first tested in 2.18.1, and that one just worked, no matter how many times. Also the saving/opening of the project.

Then I went to a 2.14.7 version I have, and then one FAILED. In the debug information (you run debug version from cli don't you ;-) ) I found:
DescribFeatureType Failed
Googling that I found 'qgis wfs DescribFeatureType Failed' I found:


which actually talks about exact the same service! Pointing to:
which says:
Fixed per 4bcbc1e (and backported in master_2 in f17f6ac, and in release-2_16 a0e3e76)

pointing to this commit:


which looks like it had to handle an uncommon capabilities construct from the ruimtelijkeplannen.nl service ....

So I think 2.14 is not patched? You need to have latest 2.18 or 2.16 ...

maybe Even can comment on this? Is it possible to bring this fix in 2.14 (LTR?)


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 12/10/2016 01:53 PM, Raymond Nijssen wrote:
import urllib
#from qgis.core import import
import time

plangebied = 'NL.IMRO.0796.0002120-1301'

params = {
    'service': 'WFS',
    'version': '1.0.0',
    'request': 'GetFeature',
    'typename': 'union',
    'srsname': "EPSG:23030"

def getWfsLayer(service, typename, filter):
    params = {
        'typename': typename,
        'filter': filter,
        'srsname': 'EPSG:28992',
        #'restrictToRequestBBOX': '1',
        #'version': '2.0.0',
        #'table': '',
        #'sql': ''
    if not service[-1] == '?':
        service += '?'
    uri = service + urllib.unquote(urllib.urlencode(params))
    #print uri
    layername = typename
    vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri, layername, "WFS")
    return vlayer

def addBestemmingsplan(plangebied):
    service = 'http://afnemers.ruimtelijkeplannen.nl/afnemers2012/services'
    filter = '"plangebied"=\'' + plangebied + '\''
    layers = [ \
        'app:Bouwaanduiding', \
        'app:Bouwvlak', \
        'app:Enkelbestemming', \
        'app:Bestemmingsplangebied', \

    root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot()
    bpName = plangebied
    bpGroup = root.insertGroup(0, bpName)
    #print bpGroup

    for layer in layers:
        print layer
        vlayer = getWfsLayer(service, layer, filter)
        print vlayer
        if vlayer.isValid():
            QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer, False)
            node_vlayer = bpGroup.addLayer(vlayer)
            print 'invalid layer'

    canvas = iface.mapCanvas()


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