> The layer name can be stored in subLayers() for conveniency, since it has
>> usually a short life. And for subLayers() / askUserForOGRSublayers() make
>> the layer id what is used.
> subLayers is not used when read from a project, only when a new source is

>> Not sure to what you are refering too, since I can see the layerName
>> returned here:
> Between  subLayers() and QgsOgrProvider the data runs through other
functions in other classes
- in one the layername is removed

void QgisApp::askUserForOGRSublayers( QgsVectorLayer *layer )
    Q_FOREACH ( const QgsSublayersDialog::LayerDefinition& def,
chooseSublayersDialog.selection() )
      QString layerGeometryType = def.type;
 -    QString composedURI = uri + "|layerid=" + QString::number(
def.layerId );
 +    QString composedURI = uri + "|layerid=" + QString::number(
def.layerId ) + "|layername=" + def.layerName;
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