> So if we want to address both we need the layer_id and layer_name. I'd say
> when you build a OGR URI (mostly in QgisApp::askUserForOGRSublayers()),
> then look at the uniqueness of the layer names. If there's layer name
> unicity, then use only the layer name. Otherwise fallback to uniquely the
> layer_id (and well in that case if the datasource changes at some point, we
> might have an issue indeed)

This is already being done in my version.

Setting the id to -1 could tell the QgsOgrProvider that the layername is
- and remove the need of the extra parameter

id >= 0 would tell QgsOgrProvider that the id MUST be used, because there
are duplicate layernames.

The id and layername will be stored (as it was before) in the URI/Project.

Since at this point it is known that the values are valid
- no further checks are needed and can be opened directly

Can we agree on this?
Anything else still open?

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