Hi Rashad,

2017-05-16 11:46 GMT+03:00 Rashad Kanavath <mohammedrasha...@gmail.com>:
> okay.  current version needs update of lot of xml files, change in version
> number, list of application inside the otb plugin sources. I want to avoid
> that. And I think both OTB and QGIS developers will agree on this.
> instead of xml files, otb can directly output those csv files which are read
> by processing core.

I'm not against this, but IMHO such work should go for 3.0, as it requires
many changes in OTB provider. Pushing this changes in 2.18 is dangerous
(we already have broken SAGA support because of too fast switch to
SAGA 2.3.1) and may break OTB support in LTR version.

I think OTB team should take ownership on OTB provider plugin (it is hosted
in the Victor's repository now) and start impelement new functionality. For
QGIS 2.18 better to leave OTB support as is, or maybe backport some
fixes and description files to have OTB 5.4. and 5.6.

Alexander Bruy
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