
> A common workflow that leads to this situation is when working on
> shapefiles and then using them in a processing algorithm that involves an
> external process. The processing situation could be avoided (detect if
> potentially dangerous operations like a delete have been performed since
> the last repack and if yes repack or write it to a new file), but there
> were also other situations where people just have been working on the same
> file in different GIS applications side-by-side.
> This raises the question.  Should we support that?  A lot of file types are
> just not meant to be opened by many applications at the same, e.g MapInfo
> wants a full exclusive read/write lock on tab files.  My gut has always
> been if it's file based you shouldn't be using it in other applications at
> the same time.

as far as I remember this is not entirely true: if you go on redmine
and look for the (sometimes very long) tickets about this very big
issue at that time (now thankfully), is wasn't necessary to have the
shapefile open in edit mode two applications to leave it in a
"inconsistent" state, if was really just QGIS. After edits and after
saving (and removing it from the project) opening it in another gis
package frequently shown (for example) features that were deleted and
messages about the inconsistent state of the vector.

please do not revert to the previous, wrong, way to do.


-- G --
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