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Just installed a crisp 3.4.5-1 QGIS for a Windows user who failed to
run Grass algorithms.

Looking into it, processing was complaining and showing it could not
create a temporary directory:

ERROR: Unable to create directory <grass7-User Name-16676>! Exiting

(note the space!) where 'User Name' was the profile name of this person

So I thought: space in profile name: let's change the temp dir to C:\temp

But even then the exact same error pops up.

So my question is: is either grass OR processing trying to create a temp
dir name based on the profile name? Which in a lot of Windows users is
with a space in it (because people use "Firstname Lastname" at least
here in The Netherlands as profile name).

It is very hard in Windows to 'just remote the space from the profile'
if I understand correctly.

Anybody has this problem also?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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