On 01/03/2019 11.53, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote: > (sorry, resending unencrypted... really don't know why all these mails > get encrypted automagically) > > Just installed a crisp 3.4.5-1 QGIS for a Windows user who failed to > run Grass algorithms. > > Looking into it, processing was complaining and showing it could not > create a temporary directory: > > ERROR: Unable to create directory <grass7-User Name-16676>! Exiting
Ok, to answer this myself :-) After debugging the grass code, it appears that grass.py was trying to create this <grass7-User Name-16676> directory in a TMPDIR directory that was not there anymore. An old installed (and removed) program created TMPDIR as environment variable pointing to some long (not excisting) path. So the code threw a 'WindowsError' not shown in log or output. Anyway: fixed by removing this TMPDIR variable. We are already (re)setting all kind of env vars isn't it? Maybe also do that with TMP TMPDIR and TEMP ? Richard _______________________________________________ QGIS-Developer mailing list QGIS-Developer@lists.osgeo.org List info: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer Unsubscribe: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-developer