Hello List/Devs,

Congrats on the 1.0 release - I've been using Qgis since I first heard about it several years ago, and it has proven very useful.

I'm currently doing some project work that involves collecting data from volunteers in a case study. As part of a return-on-time-invested, I've been providing the people who have worked with me with copies of the data along with Qgis project file, and a copy of Qgis binaries with a link that opens the project file in Qgis directly off the CD (btw, an option for relative pathnames in a Qgis project would be a bonus here). I also have included the installer (for previous versions) for those that are interested in using Qgis without the CD.

This brings me to the subject of my email - will there be a standalone window installer for Qgis, as with the previous versions? The osgeo4w installer is great, but it adds a level of complexity that will cause many of the people I'm working with to not bother with it. It also requires an Internet connection (I tried installing offline using downloaded files, but the installer crashes before it gets to the application list). Since many of my volunteers have limited access to the Internet, this is a bit of a barrier as well.

If there are no plans for a standalone installer, that's fine - I can work around these issues (or continue with v0.11 for now). But if it is being considered at all, then I'd like to vote +1 for it.

Best regards,
Qgis-user mailing list

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