Hi Mikhail,

Did you enable on the fly projection in the project properties window?
QGIS cannot reproject rasters on the fly, so you must set your project projection to the same projection of your raster layer. QGIS will reproject vectors on the fly.


On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Mikhail Umorin wrote:

Hello ˙˙

I have a problem with rendering layers with different projections. I
have an SHP file with "+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +no_defs"
and a geoTIFF file with "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84
+no_defs". That's all the projection data from "Properties". They cover
exactly the same area but do not even overlap in QGIS. I also noticed
that when geotiff file is rendered the distances that should be 3
degrees are shown as about 10 degrees (my project options are set to
Decimal Degrees) . I suspect that there is some confusion with
meters/feet somewhere in the reprojection process.

Is there any way to add "+units" option to the description of the
layer's projection? Would this solve the problem?

Thank you for your time,

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