Dan Olner ha scritto:
> Not sure if this is the right list for this. Just upgrade to 1.0.2 from .1 
> and done my first actual GIS job using the program. Problem: 1.0.2 seems 
> considerably more sluggish and prone to maxing my processor than 1.0.1. did. 
> E.g. every time I move a (not particularly drawing-intensive) map, there's a 
> pause, my fan kicks up a fuss and CPU usage temporarily hits 100%. It slows 
> everything down for many common actions.
> I'm on XP sp2. Laptop is a 2ghz processor, 1gig memory. As I say, 1.0.1. 
> didn't seems to have these problems. Anyone else been having this? Any fixes?

Please cheack with a more recent version - depending on your OS, 1.2 may be
already available - don't be afraid of the "Unstable" warning, it will not bite
you. Recent versions should be faster and more usable.
Please let us know.
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc
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