Good morning,

Brett Adams claviota:
Hi Pierre,
I'm a geophysicist in Australia, working primarily in Nickel and IOCG. Just started my own consultantsy this year and started with Qgis last week. My requirements of Qgis sound very similar to yours.
Certainly. You geophysicists like bright colours, and we geologists have more dull colours, but after all, we are dealing with the same thing: rocks, displayed on maps! ;)
So I believe we should have similar requirements!

How are you getting a coordinate grid around your maps?
Not easily. Usually, I generate several graticules using the appropriate plugin, which creates a shapefile for each graticule. I have to manually change the srid, and then I overlay all my graticules, using different transparencies, to get a neat visual effect. I also play with labels, according to map scale and the step of graticule.

I'm hoping you have a better (faster) system than me.
I'm afraid not... ;(

My process works but is a bit of stuffing about. I generate a vector grid, edit the DBF file, reimport the DBF then get the labels organised.
All right: then, you end up with points with a little cross symbol, if I understand well, with labels around them.

I believe this is a feature that would be needed by many of us, qgis users. I had the plan to try to write a plugin to do a neat graticule, generated every time the map is changed, with coordinates every 1km, or 100m, or 1000km, depending on the zoom, or 1°, or 30", etc. depending on the srid (which may be different from the map). But no time... So many software packages already do this neatly, so I guess it should not be too difficult to adapt their code. I'm thinking of viking, for instance.


Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
   Mesté Duran
   32100 Condom
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