Pierre Chevalier Géologue claviota:
All right, I haven't tried it. Actually, I don't use the print composer, I usually export maps from the mapper, which works fine for me. I try the print composer right now. Oh, it has changed much. Let's see...
Well, I have played quite a bit with the composer, and I am most impressed: it has evolved and matured MUCH, since the last time I used it! Congratulations to developers ;)

Yes, the graticule works greatly. Maybe one could add several graticules, with different major/minor units, i.e. km, hm, or so?

But I still think that a graticule displayed on the mapper would be very helpful, when you work on maps.
Definitely, yes, I do. I just wonder whether the code for the composer could be re-used for the main window?


Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
   Mesté Duran
   32100 Condom
 Tél+fax  :    09 75 27 45 62
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 Émail  :   pierrechevaliergeolCHEZfree.fr
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