On 07/06/2011, at 13:24 , Paolo Cavallini wrote:

> On Tue, 07 Jun 2011 05:57:43 +0200, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net>
> wrote:
>> what features specifically in the print composer are missing?
>> I often hear people complain about missing features in the print
>> composer, but I think that at the current trunk version it is already
>> quite powerful and maybe the people just aren't aware about some
>> functionality.
> Agreed. I also had people complaining about map composer being "not
> powerful enough", but when questioned, I never could get a list of missing
> features (apart from resizable, multicolumn legends, you're right).
> Please let us know what is still missing: the more accurate you are the
> more chances you have your request will be fulfilled.
> All the best.

I'm going to open this up with, I really like the print composer and that it's 
very easy to use. It's also very quick to generate a good looking plot.

I've a few suggestions, some that might be easier than others.

Two for grids:
1. At times I'd like some options other than solid lines or crosses for grid 
lines. Probably dashed or dotted lines would do.
2. At other times I'd really like an easier way to put up grids in two 
different projections. I know Micha has some instructions on doing this 
(http://www.surfaces.co.il/?p=616) but it would be really cool to be able to do 
it inside the print composer.
3. I'm noticing that when I browse to a folder with images, the path is 
reported with \ in the opposite direction to the default set, causing QGIS to 
loose my added directory. Can anyone else using Windows osgeo install confirm 
4. I'm also interested in the multicolumn feature.


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