On 08/06/2011, at 02:47 , Andreas Neumann wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
>> Two for grids:
>> 1. At times I'd like some options other than solid lines or crosses for grid 
>> lines. Probably dashed or dotted lines would do.
> this would be probably easy to do.
>> 2. At other times I'd really like an easier way to put up grids in two 
>> different projections. I know Micha has some instructions on doing this 
>> (http://www.surfaces.co.il/?p=616) but it would be really cool to be able to 
>> do it inside the print composer.
> probably more work. If you seriously need this, you can ask Marco for an
> offer/estimate how many hours of work. Other people asked for this
> feature as well. So maybe an opportunity to combine financial resources
> for implementing it?
>> 3. I'm noticing that when I browse to a folder with images, the path is 
>> reported with \ in the opposite direction to the default set, causing QGIS 
>> to loose my added directory. Can anyone else using Windows osgeo install 
>> confirm this?
> don't have the Windows version at hand currently.

Ok, scrap this one. It's something like this, but isn't quite that simple. It 
might have something to do with bringing in templates with local images on - 
but I'll need to play with it a bit more to see if I can refine it better.

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