yes, seems like a more serious problem in Postgis.

Perhaps consult the Postgis mailinglist about it?

Did you recently run an upgrade on this database? Or other changes of the underlying libraries, such as geos?


On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:35:49 +0200, Andreas Forø Tollefsen wrote:
Hi Andreas,

I tried using pgAdmin to access a file.
query: SELECT * FROM priogrid;

ERROR:  Unknown geometry type: 0 - Unknown

********** Error **********

ERROR: Unknown geometry type: 0 - Unknown
SQL state: XX000

I also tried to do this on the computer running the server. From
psql priogrid 
and then
SELECT * FROM priogrid;

Same error: ERROR: Unknown geometry type: 0 - Unknown.

Maybe i have corrupted my whole database. I can access all the table
columns except for the geometrical ones.

Any ideas?

2011/8/17 Andreas Neumann


Did you double check that the permissions are ok and that all the
Postgis connection parameters are ok (or perhaps different from
version 1.6)?

Can you access the Postgis tables with pgAdmin3 from the same
machine using the same credentials?

It could be a number of issues - permissions or wrong connection
settings are quite likely.


On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 13:54:58 +0200, Andreas Forø Tollefsen wrote:

Hi all.

I recently upgraded my QGIS to 1.7. Previously using QGIS 1.6. 
Now i cant load postgis layers from the same server as i used
The problem occurs when i select a layer in the postgis
connection and
try to add this.

For instance when trying to add the cshapes dataset i get this

Unable to access the "public"."cshapes" relation.

The error message from the database was:

ERROR: Unknown geometry type: 65536 - Unknown


SQL: select * from "public"."cshapes" limit 1

Then i get a 'Invalid Layer' box which tells me that the cshapes
is invalid and cannot be added to QGIS.

 This happens with all of the 400 tables i have stored on my

 Any ideas why this happens?

 Thanks in advance.


Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 10A
8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)


Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 10A
8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
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