I had this problem in the past. Unfortunately there are not many plugins
for raster analysis in QGIS and I usually I end up doing in in GRASS.
The command in GRASS for inspection your raster layers, using polygon

You need to run r.null to set the unwanted values to null (i.e. positive
or negative values).


On Tue, 2011-11-15 at 18:57 +0100, Bernhard Draeyer wrote:
> I have 2 high resolution raster DEM's before and after a recent flood 
> event. The aim would be to get for different areas a) erosion/negative 
> volumes b) accumulation/positive volumes and net volume.
> First of all, i subtracted the actual surface from the 'before'-surface 
> to get a difference surface with positive (accumulation) and negative 
> (erosion) values.
> Then i created a shape layer with polygons of different areas of 
> interest. For each of them i need seperate volumetrics. Ideally, the 
> polygons should contain in the end attribute values for accumulation, 
> erosion and net volumes.
> Now i was looking without success for a well adapted method to solve my 
> problem in QGIS or SAGA.
> How should i proceed? Is there any method in QGIS to sum up positive and 
> negative raster values under polygons and put them in seperate attribute 
> fields per polygon? Do i have to convert the raster in a point layer? I 
> saw, that in esri's 3d analyst exist a tin polygon volume function, that 
> covers this task. Does anything similar exist with an os gis?
> Many thanks for your help.
> Bernie
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