This works. Thank you for your help!

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Gerardo Jimenez <> wrote:

>  Hi
> You have
> a layer in transverse mercator NAD83 / Illinois East (ftUS) (wards)
> (EPSG:3435)
> Census are in Nad83 lat lon (EPSG:4269) (For testing purposes I downloaded
> all Illinois data not only Chicago)
> I was able to reproject from 4269 to 3435 and they align perfectly. I
> noticed, for instance, that on North Lake shore drive, there is something
> called Magnificent Mile. Both layers share the feature and show it in the
> same position. This is what how I did it
> a) Load the census data (epsg 4269)
> b) Select the layer and choose "set project crs from layer". Make sure
> that te lower right corner says "EPSG 4269". This step is crucial. By
> default Qgis asummes that you are working on a lat lon WGS84 CRS, so before
> making a reprojection you have to have the proper CRS in the layer and in
> the project.
> c) Select the layer and choose save as
> d) On format, leave esri shape file
>     on Save as, give a name that you can recognize
>     on CRS choose the browse button and in the Projected coordinate
> Systems sections navigate to transverse mercator, NAD83 / Illinois East
> (ftUS) and choose it.
> e) Choose OK
> f) Define a new project and load both 3435 layers they should align. Look
> for the feature I mentioned before.
> You can do the opposite from 3435 to 4269 the same way I described.
> Hope it helps
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