On Wed, 7 Mar 2012 12:29:37 +0000
jonathanmou...@warwickshire.gov.uk wrote:

> Much as I dislike MapInfo, that comparison is stacked against the 
> software. Not only is a very old version being used (He's using MapInfo 
> 7.8, apparently released in Sept 2004!!!! (
> http://www.sgsi.com/Prod_Soft_MIPro_78.asp)), on top of which its being 
> run in WINE too, which will hardly improve the reliability.

I admit I'm not giving MapInfo the best chance but I lack adequate hardware, 
the best Windows machine I have is an acer core 2 duo 2.4GHz with 2 GB RAM and 
a slow 160GB HDD running Vista. This once powerful beast idles at 30% memory 
use and 35% cpu use even after disabling everything I can keep it working 
without. Under this setup MapInfo performs worse than under wine with the 
exceptions that I can use the mouse to select line, region, text & symbol 
styles and the query 'wizard'.

I did try MI8 trial release a few years ago on W2k and wine and was unable to 
install on either. If memory serves the problem was a late version if internet 
explorer was needed.

> I don't doubt QGIS would do well against a modern MapInfo deployment, but 
> lets not be disingenuous here, comparing a 7 year old product to a few 
> week old one isn't exactly going to convince naysayers.

The issues I observed in MapInfo have been present in all versions I have used 
since 4.2.

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