Hello Agustin,

when your problem is just the desktop you should give KDE a serious try. Just 
use Kubuntu instead of Ubuntu. the ubuntugis repository and everything else 
still works fine and you got away from this unity thing.
KDE has gone a long way, KDE4.8 is rock stable now!
Of course you can still install all the GTK based programs and they integrate 
well in the desktop. As far as I am informed, QGIS is based on the qt library 
anyway (thats where the Q came from originally), which is also used for KDE.

And of course there is also Xubuntu and Lubuntu.
Just because you are not happy with Unity, no need for leaving ubuntu in 

But as somebody raised the question, I am also interested in Arch-Linux.
So I would also like to know how fast and easy all the GIS tools are 


On Saturday 28 Apr 2012 20:56:38 Agustin Lobo wrote:
> Hi!
> Having been an ubuntu user for a long time, I do not like ubuntu
> versions > 10.04 LTS, even after introducing the necessary tweaks to
> get something similar to the classic gnome. I feel ubuntu is heading
> towards simple
> desktops for office users, not convenient for technical and scientific
> work. Perhaps it's time to change
> to another linux distribution.
> I would like to know if anybody has experience on installing qgis et
> al (grass, gdal, otb, saga, sextante...)
> on linuxmint, i.e. would the very useful ubuntugis repo be appropriate.
> Also, perhaps some exchange of opinions among linux users of qgis
> could make most of us converge
> towards the same distribution (i.e., perhaps linuxmint is not the
> right choice, debian, scientific linux, or just
> remaining in ubuntu would be better), which would be very convenient.
> Thanks for your inputs,
> Agus
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