Am 04.05.2012 12:25, schrieb Ian kirk-ellis:
As I understand it all GPS data is recorded as decimal degrees within
the WGS 84 geography. I recently recorded some data using my Android
phone from site and also received some data from a colleague that when
located on Google maps show up in the correct position, but when I bring
the data into QGIS, to overlay with my mapping thats in OSGB (80) format
they are completely located differently. Im sure I must be doing
something wrong but I cant seem to sort it out.


have you activated the "On the fly reprojection"? (Project Properties, in the tab where you choose the projection)

After having activated, you should again do a "Zoom to Layer" (in the Panel on left side, right mouse click...)


| Albin Blaschka, Mag.rer.nat.
| Etrichstrasse 26, A-5020 Salzburg
| * * *
| - It's hard to live in the mountains, hard but not hopeless!
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