Am 20.09.2012 19:37, schrieb Pablo Schweitzer:
Thanks Alex...
Perhaps the unit of measurement is "degrees". In Ecuador the circumference of
the earth is 40,076 km. 40076/360 ° = 109.79. But the equivalence degrees =
km varies with latitude and longitude. So use a conversion factor is very
difficult in large countrys lake Argentina :-(


You can change the unit of measure?

It just depends on the Coordinate reference Systems (CRS) you use.

WGS84 lat/lon ist in degrees, and most projected CRS are in meters (or feet in some countries). Only Google Mercator has no real unit of mesure.

You can have a layer in lat/lon CRS, but the project set to a projected CRS using metres (checking "on-the-fly-projection" in settings/Project Settings). Measuring is always done in the *project* CRS. Just check out what projected CRS is common in your country. At least UTM (with correct Zone) applies world wide.

Andre Joost

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