Am 13.11.2013 15:47, schrieb

If i load a "LATIN1" postgis table with qgis1.8, it is loaded without
any problem. If i load the same table under qgis2.0.1 32bits
character are not recognized, worst, the data source encoding drop
down list is empty. I had to save the project, edit it with notepad++
and set the character encoding by hand.

Have a look under Settings -> Options, Datasource tab.
You can deactivate "Ignore shapefile encoding"

Maybe that also works on postgis tables.

It seems that we try to add more and more fonctionnality in qgis
without ensure that actual ones are really functional and constant. I
use Qgis since many years and i think qgis2 is really less stable
than 1.8.

Well, Qgis 1.8 had a problem with shapefiles different from utf-8. This was not a problem in Qgis 1.7.3, and was fixed in 1.9 already. So not everything gets worse...

André Joost

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