On 2/17/2014 3:55 PM, NYA Edouard wrote:
The bil file es very heavy (more than 1800 MB), so I need to convert
the file so that I can trim it easily to process it for the project.
Any idea?
Thanks in advance

You can use gdalwarp from the raster menu to convert the image to whatever format you need, reproject it, and also clip it all in one step.

If the gui isn't self explanatory, see the full suite of options at http://www.gdal.org/gdalwarp.html You can manually input any of those in the bottom of the gdalwarp gui.

To make things really easy, you don't even have to extract the zip and decompress the bil file (takes a long time!).

You can manually input the bil file to make use of vsizip with something like "/vsizip/HWSD_RASTER.zip/hwsd.bil" This would read the dataset from within the zip file instead of from on disk somewhere.

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