Hello. I'm trying to make a comparison of vegetation indices from a SPOT
image (spatial resolution 10 m) and Landsat (30 m spatial resolution). To
make this work I have to change the pixel size for the 2 images have the
same resolution. How I can do this? I'm new to this and the truth is much
more complicated to me to do it. Thank you very much. I welcome your

2014-06-11 16:52 GMT-03:00 Saulteau Don <sault....@gmail.com>:

>  Ross
>>> On 11/06/14 06:23, Brett Adams wrote:
>>>     I keep getting  an error
>>>     Export to vector file failed.
>>>     Error: Feature write errors:
>>>     Feature creation error (OGR error: Failed writing geometry for
>>>     feature id 1 in
> I usually get that error when some of the shapefile features are "invalid".
> Did you get a chance to check for validity of the features in the
> shapefile?
> In QGIS you can use the "Topology Checker" plugin.
> Or Vector > Geometry Tools > Check Geometry Validity.
> Donovan
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