
I have a View in MS SQL containing some point data (263 points) and a int64 
primary key (qlonglong data type in QGIS), which I have loaded to QGIS (CRS: 
4326, no OTF-projection).
When I zoom out, QGIS crashes at a certain zoom level. "Zoom to layer" crashes 
every time I try. This happens both in master and 2.8.2.

When I export the layer to shape, the resulting file alone works just fine 
(some data types in the attribute table were converted)...
Both layers (shape and MS SQL) have exactly the same spatial extent.
I tried to compare the number of features in the MS SQL layer and the shape 
layer. "Count features" did not work for the MS SQL layer, but number of 
entries in the attribute table are the same...

Any ideas? Should I file a ticket?

Thanks for helping.

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