since recently, I cannot save a print without crashing QGIS.
I tried this both on windows7 and OX Yosemite:

Saving a map via print composer (in jpg OR in pdf!): once I click the “save” 
button, the print composer goed white and stalls.
It started wit trying to save to a A0 paper format. So I reduced to smaller 
paper size, but still the problem persists. I am now back to A4 format, with a 
300 DPI resolution, but still, no improvement.
I can use my print model only 1 time, but for the second map, the composer 
crashes. I can work again when I make a new print template.

Screen record of proces is here:
https://youtu.be/iBXwC-ebubs <https://youtu.be/iBXwC-ebubs>

When I close the composer and go back to main window to close and restart; I 
get a crash alert on quit. Crash report is stored here:


thanks for any comment or idea to solve this annoying hickup.


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