Dear all

I have tried asking my local QGIS expert but unfortunately she is for once not 
able to help me. I hope someone can.

-          I have a vector polygon layer that contains data for the amount of 
biogas potentially available in a polygon  - unit is m3/ha/year. The polygons 
are of varying size.

-          I have another vector point layer with data for the amount of biogas 
already produced on specific biogas plants - unit in m3/year.

-          I would like to combine the two layers so that I "vacuum" the area 
surrounding the biogas plants for biogas potential. This will reveal where 
there are still areas with sufficient biomass available for a new biogas plant 
to be build.

I have no clue how to do this calculation but I think it should be possible. 
Can anyone help me out?

The overview I have of my data now looks like this:

The size of the shown point data is independent on the polygon layer. I would 
like it to be dependent on the biogas potential available (in the polygon 
layer). I would like the size of the points to reflect how far you would have 
to drive (radius to the biogas plant) in order to get all the biomass needed to 
produce the biogas you intend to.

I am using QGIS version 2.8.2 64 bit with Windows.

Best regards

Julie Houge Hansen
PhD Student, Inst. of Chemical Eng., Biotechnology and Environmental Tech.





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