Am Sa, 4.03.2017, 03:49 schrieb Nyall Dawson:
>> I've loaded a PostgreSQL table with more than 3 * 10^6 entries.
>> When accesing the attributes, QGIS downloads all the attributes!
>> QGIS first gets instable and crashes afterwards.
>> Actually, it would be more useful to download only the attributes,
>> which are in the current view.
>> [...]
> Yep - it's really annoying for large layers. If you go to settings ->
> options -> data sources you can change "attribute table behaviour" to
> "show features visible on map". That'll help a bit.

Thanks, I'll try it out soon.

> I've got changes incoming which also improve the performance if you
> have the "show selected features" option enabled
> (

Another improvement would be to request the data in stages. Let's
the attribute view shows 500 entries on each page. For shapefiles,
sqlite and other database-like formats, it should work with OFFSET
and LIMIT to minimize the amount of data being loaded:

First page: SELECT * FROM xy OFFSET 0 LIMIT 500
Second page: SELECT * FROM xy OFFSET 500 LIMIT 500

That's what many tools for databank manipulation do.

Best regards,

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