Am 26.09.2017 um 21:04 schrieb Patrick Dunford:

If you can actually state where abouts in the Ubuntugis repository the
actual packages that will make 2.18.13 work on Ubuntu 16.04 are because
they are not in the regular Ubuntugis repository.

GRASS 7.2.1 for xenial is now in the Ubuntugis (stable) PPA:

Unfortunately, you need libgdal-grass as well, but this is built on GDAL 2.1.3, but QGIS is built on GDAL 2.2.1.

If you force the older GDAL, QGIS will get removed, so the situation is dead-locked for now.

You may wait to let the devs fix it, or switch to the QGIS debian repo (returning to GDAL 1.11.3).

André Joost

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