Hi all, 


Appreciate your advice. If there are any more resources concerning this, please 
let me know. Exporting SLD file in QGIS seems to result in SLD 1.0 file, 
without an option to influence the version. 


Simple SLD tests seem to prove Andrea right. I’ve tried to implement a SLD 
style that has unique symbols for over 10,000 features. Apparently it is 
validated by Geoserver, but previewing the style on a file, I get nothing. I 
guess this kind of styling is simply too heavy or otherwise error prone? 




Ville Koivisto

+35840 701 4283

GIS Expert

Suomen kuntotekniikka Oy


From: Andrea Aime <andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 8, 2018 11:23 AM
To: Richard McDonnell <richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie>
Cc: ville.koivi...@kuntotekniikka.fi; qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Textual representation of styles ?


This approach is "old news", if you're using newer versions of QGIS (3+) and 
GeoServer (hum... 2.13 works, not sure from when, probably 2.11)

then trying to switch it from SLD 1.1 down to SLD 1.0 should be unnecessary, 
GeoServer should read the exported styling directly.


There are still however various limitations, GeoSolutions launched a 
crowdfunding initiative some time ago that so far only gathered funds for

label exports (available in QGIS 3.0), but failed to get funds for the rest:






On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 10:14 AM Richard McDonnell <richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie 
<mailto:richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie> > wrote:


You can implement it in Geoserver, it just takes a little editing. 

Generally what works for me is using something like Notepad++ to:-


1.      Remove all Instances of <se:Description>…</se:Description>

2.      Change all Instances <ogc:Filter 
xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc";> to <ogc:Filter>

3.      Removing all instances of se:

4.      Change all instances of SvgParameter to CssParameter


This usually sorts any issues out, you will of course need to validate it in 

Hope this helps!







Richard McDonnell
GIS Specialist | FRM Data Management 


Email:   <mailto:richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie> richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie


Phone:  + 353 (0) 1 647 6543


Mobile:  +353 (0) 87 688 5964

The Office of Public Works 

52 St. Stephen's Green

Dublin 2 ~ D02 DR67







From: Ville Koivisto [mailto:ville.koivi...@kuntotekniikka.fi 
<mailto:ville.koivi...@kuntotekniikka.fi> ] 
Sent: 08 August 2018 06:28
To: Richard McDonnell <richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie 
<mailto:richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie> >; 'Lars I. Nielsen, LIFA A/S' <l...@lifa.dk 
<mailto:l...@lifa.dk> >; qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org 
Subject: RE: [Qgis-user] Textual representation of styles ?


Good morning,


Wait, so I can’t straight away use an SLD file generated in QGIS for styling my 
layers in Geoserver? Is there any more info about his somewhere? 


Thanking you in advance,


Ville Koivisto

+35840 701 4283

GIS Expert

Suomen kuntotekniikka Oy



From: Qgis-user <qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org 
<mailto:qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> > On Behalf Of Richard McDonnell
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 5:24 PM
To: Lars I. Nielsen, LIFA A/S <l...@lifa.dk <mailto:l...@lifa.dk> >; 
'qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> ' 
<qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> >
Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Textual representation of styles ?


Hi Lars,

Would SLD be what you ar looking for?




QGIS can save its styles to this format, be aware, its not a full 
implementation of SLD, so it takes a little tweaking to make it work with other 
SLD compliant software line GeoServer.

Hope it helps,






From: Qgis-user [mailto:qgis-user-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Lars I. 
Nielsen, LIFA A/S
Sent: 07 August 2018 14:50
To: 'qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> ' 
<qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org <mailto:qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org> >
Subject: [Qgis-user] Textual representation of styles ?


Hi list.


Does QGIS utilize and support textual styles, e.g. as read from data ?


OGR has a feature style specification 
(https://www.gdal.org/ogr_feature_style.html ), with some examples shown below.


Has anyone used QGIS to facilitate such style representation ?




Here are some example style definition strings: 

*       A 5 pixels wide red line: 
*       A polygon filled in blue, with a black outline: 
*       A point symbol: 
*       A text label, taking the text string from the "text_attribute" 
attribute field: 
LABEL(f:"Times New Roman",s:12pt,t:{text_attribute})" 

Here is what a style table that contains all the above styles could look like: 

    road:      PEN(c:#FF0000,w:5px)

    lake:      BRUSH(fc:#0000FF);PEN(c:#000000)

    campsite:  SYMBOL(c:#00FF00,id:"points.sym-45,ogr-sym-7")

    label:     LABEL(f:"Times New Roman",s:12pt,t:{text_attribute})




I know that QGIS supports its own XML style format, and supports some form of 
SLD. Both are layer based, though, not feature based.

Med venlig hilsen

Lars I. Nielsen, LIFA A/S
GIS konsulent, FME Certified Professional


6313 6800


l...@lifa.dk <mailto:l...@lifa.dk> 


6313 6849


www.lifa.dk <http://www.lifa.dk>  


2492 4866



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Regards, Andrea Aime == GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit 
http://goo.gl/it488V for more information. == Ing. Andrea Aime @geowolf 
Technical Lead GeoSolutions S.A.S. Via di Montramito 3/A 55054 Massarosa (LU) 
phone: +39 0584 962313 fax: +39 0584 1660272 mob: +39 339 8844549 
http://www.geo-solutions.it http://twitter.com/geosolutions_it 
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