On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:44 AM Ville Koivisto <
ville.koivi...@kuntotekniikka.fi> wrote:

> *Hi all, *
> Appreciate your advice. If there are any more resources concerning this,
> please let me know. Exporting SLD file in QGIS seems to result in SLD 1.0
> file, without an option to influence the version.

How are you exporting? A native export from the style dialog should result
in a SLD 1.1 file, which GeoServer should read without issues.
If you are using the Boundless GeoServer plugin instead, yes, that has code
manipulating the style text and trying to make it turn into a SLD 1.0,
it's basically applying the same changes as described by Richard McDonnell
before in this thread.
I don't think it's being worked on anymore thought, the latest commit has
been done in 2017 and the latest release is over one year old:

>  Simple SLD tests seem to prove Andrea right. I’ve tried to implement a
> SLD style that has unique symbols for over 10,000 features. Apparently it
> is validated by Geoserver, but previewing the style on a file, I get
> nothing. I guess this kind of styling is simply too heavy or otherwise
> error prone?

I don't know. If you share the style I might get a clue about what's going
on (or not, we'll see!).


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