On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 at 20:10, Bo Victor Thomsen
<bo.victor.thom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just my - very late – 2 cents.
> I have 2 computers that is exactly the same type: Lenovo Thinkpad P50. There 
> is no difference in cpu, memory, SSD or graphics. One is running Windows 7 
> and one is running Ubuntu 18.04. Both have QGIS 3.4.2 with the same plugins 
> installed.
> The Linux pc starts QGIS 3.4.2 in just 4 seconds or less. The windows machine 
> is at least 5 times slower starting up. When QGIS is running the Linux pc is 
> slightly faster.
> The crucial difference is the startup time of the plugins. On the Linux pc 
> you hardly notice the "Restoring loaded plugins" text. However, it takes – 
> forever - on the Windows pc.
> My guess is that the initialization of the python plugins runs very, very 
> slow on the Windows pc. So the culprit may be the python interpreter on 
> Windows.

This sounds like a known issue since ages (v 2.6?), where at QGIS
startup the Processing plugin parses all the hundreds of description
files for the SAGA/GRASS algorithms. You can verify by disabling the
Processing plugin and relaunching.

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