As a new user considering QGIS for my Mac, the road is surprisingly bumpy. Time for terrain analysis is eaten by system misbehaviour. After managing to get through some oddities thanks to local Python experts during Christmas holidays, a new one refers to a Java issue. When doing a meta search I get the error message below on clicking the search button.
Are there anyone out there who can give any useful advice into resolving this or is QGIS simply not suitable for Mac at all? Best regards Ottar 'Raised exception while searching metadata : org.fao.geonet.csw.common.exceptions.NoApplicableCodeEx: code=NoApplicableCode, locator=null, message=Error when parsing spatial filter (version: 1.1.0):<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="">\r\n <ogc:And>\r\n <ogc:BBOX>\r\n <ogc:PropertyName>ows:BoundingBox</ogc:PropertyName>\r\n <gml:Envelope xmlns:gml="" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84">\r\n <gml:lowerCorner>5.7043393 58.853735</gml:lowerCorner>\r\n <gml:upperCorner>5.7544107 58.883453</gml:upperCorner>\r\n </gml:Envelope>\r\n </ogc:BBOX>\r\n <ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard="%" singleChar="_" escapeChar="\\">\r\n <ogc:PropertyName>csw:AnyText</ogc:PropertyName>\r\n <ogc:Literal>barnehage</ogc:Literal>\r\n </ogc:PropertyIsLike>\r\n </ogc:And>\r\n</ogc:Filter>. Error is: java.lang.RuntimeException: Parsing failed for Envelope: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not create crs: urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84'
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