
the /run path in Linux shouldn't be used for file access as it is intended for use by applications, not by end users.

If you have a file share to access in Linux, mount it to a path in your home folder or perhaps off from /mnt and assign the permissions required to access it there.

On 22/02/22 04:49, Richard Greenwood wrote:
I did a quick test. I installed QGIS 3.22 on a Windows 7 computer, created a project. Switched to Linux Mint, used the file manager to navigate to the Windows computer, double clicked the project and it opened correctly. The path that QGIS displays in the properties/info panel is:




I went back to the Windows computer, exported the shapefile to a gpkg, saved the project. Reopened it in Mint, all good. QGIS info for the gpkg layer:




I also tested putting the gpkg in a folder below the project file and that opened correctly on the Linux computer. So I suggest that you start with a simple test project. Also, the project .qgz file is just a gzipped xml file. So you can unzip it, open the .qgs file in a text editor and search for "source=" to see what path info has been saved with the project.


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