Hi All


Maybe a silly question, but not one that I could easily find an answer to.


Is there a way to set QGIS so that when it opens an existing layout that it
automatically displays it in "Zoom full" mode or maybe set a flag somewhere
that when you save the project the current layout zoom is retained so that
on re-opening it pops back to how it was last displayed?


V3.26 seems to behave so that whenever I open a previously saved layout it
is about the size of a postage stamp and I have to press the "Zoom full"
button, regardless of how I last saved it.







Tony Shepherd  |  GeoSpatial / Mapping Manager


Ph 027 435 6193  |  E  <mailto:t...@farmmaps.nz> t...@farmmaps.nz  |  W
<http://shepherdphotos.co.nz/> shepherdphotos.co.nz






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