Hello togheter,
With Qgis 3.22 Białowieża I created some projects with layout. In layout i
have labels formatted as justified text. All is fine.
Pleae, see atteached Qgis322.png.

I upgraded Qgis from 3.22 Białowieża to 3.28 Firenze and i seen that label
in previous layout's projects are not more justified correctly (see
attached Qgis328-1.png). Only if I add a carriage return the text is
justified correctly (see Qgis328-2.png) but I have one line more in the
text (and problem with delimited space...).

Then, in this moment, I come back to 3.22 and I cannot upgrade to new
realeses with new feature.

Someone else have experience whit this problem? Is there a solution?

Thanks in advance,

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