Thanks Adam,
Looks like I missed the "--extents" command line somehow. I'll give that a try.

Loren Dawe - Senior Geomatics Specialist
Terra Remote Sensing Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Nielsen <> 
Sent: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 7:19 PM
Cc: Loren Dawe <>
Subject: Re: [External] [Qgis-user] Zoom QGIS to specific location by command 

> I would like to zoom QGIS to a specific location (lat/lon coordinate) 
> or area (lat/lon bounding box) using a command line argument generated 
> outside of QGIS. I have looked through the available command line 
> arguments and cant see anything that will allow this.

I'm not sure whether you mean you want to load QGIS with a project showing a 
particular location, or whether QGIS is already running and you want to use a 
command line to zoom the already running QGIS to that location.

> Does anyone know of a method that this could be accomplished?

If you are loading a new QGIS instance it looks like --extent will open it with 
a specific view?

I'm not familiar enough with it to know what values to pass, but if you get the 
view how you want it then create a new spatial bookmark (on the View menu) and 
then look at the properties of that, it will show you the extents.  They appear 
to be lat/long if that's what your CRS uses.  If not, you might have to change 
the project CRS to one that uses lat/long.

Note that I haven't tested this and I'm new to QGIS myself, so my apologies if 
this turns out to be incorrect.

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